Community Benefit

Community Benefit Report

Hospitals advance wellness and drive economic growth

Ohio hospitals are cornerstones of the communities they serve, caring for the sick and injured and advancing wellness. Nonprofit hospitals measure the impact of their community benefit programs, and OHA aggregates a statewide summary at the end of each calendar year based on our member CFO survey.


Statewide Net Community Benefit $5.58 Billion

Ohio hospitals in fiscal year 2023 contributed $5.58 billion in net community benefit.

National Methodology

OHA and our member hospitals collaborate to support communities by responding to community-specific needs. All hospitals conduct and publish community health needs assessments every three years. Hospitals collaborate with public health agencies, local nonprofits, health care providers and public officials to conduct assessments.

Nonprofit hospitals measure the impact of community benefit programs and report annually to the IRS on Form 990, Schedule H. The Catholic Health Association publishes standards for community benefit definition.

Hospitals carefully measure:

  • Charity care — Hospitals provide health care for which no payment is expected.
  • Community benefit activities — Hospitals respond to a demonstrated health-related community need and seek to improve access to health service, enhance public health, advance wellness knowledge or provide free or discounted care.
  • Medicaid loss — Hospitals are reimbursed for services provided to Medicaid beneficiaries at a rate less than the cost to provide the care.

Those totals are reduced by supplemental payments the federal government provides for hospitals that serve a disproportionate share of Medicare or Medicaid patients in their communities. These are referred to as disproportional share hospital payments, or DSH, payments.

2024 Statewide Community Benefit Summary

Charity Care $674 million
Community Benefit Activities $2.45 billion
Medicaid Loss $3.27 billion
Medicaid DSH Payment ($521 million)
Medicare DSH Payment ($293 million)
Net Community Benefit =$5.58 billion

OHA Contact

John Palmer

John Palmer

Director, Public and Media Relations

Community Benefit Activities

Ohio hospitals in 2023 invested more than $2.45 billion in community activities to improve the health of local residents in the communities they serve.

Charity Care

Every Ohio hospital has a discount policy based on a patient's income to provide reduced or free services. Hospitals also provide free basic care to the indigent or uninsured through the Hospital Assurance Program. Ohio hospitals provided $674 million in charity care in 2023.

Total Uncompensated Care

Ohio hospitals provided $8.7 billion in care in 2023 for which no payment was received.