

Reducing Sepsis Mortality in Ohio Through Early Recognition, Early Appropriate Intervention

The OHA Board of Trustees identified reducing sepsis mortality in Ohio as one of the key focus areas for OHA and Ohio hospitals. Sepsis is the body’s overwhelming and life-threatening response to infection that can lead to tissue damage, organ failure and death.

In other words, it’s your body’s over active and toxic response to an infection. Early recognition and treatment can reduce the morbidity and mortality of sepsis. OHA is honored to partner with the Sepsis Alliance, which offers valuable resources on its website.

OHA Statewide Initiative

The OHA statewide Sepsis Initiative comprises more than 124 hospitals committed to reducing sepsis mortality in Ohio.

For hospitals participating in the initiative, below are links to the gap analysis and sepsis bundle components that will be measured.

OHA’s quality programs team has compiled professional literature on sepsis. Click here to view the information.


Sepsis Initiative Leadership

This statewide initiative and programming are directed by OHA ‘s Clinical team of Kelsey Brown and Dorothy Frabott. Read more about their experience in their staff bios here.

OHA is fortunate to have  James O’Brien, MD, MS, serve as a physician champion to the OHA’s statewide Sepsis Initiative. O’Brien is vice president of Operations and Population Health at OhioHealth.


OHA’s clinical team offers monthly educational opportunities for member hospitals to gain insight into effective practices for recognition in treating sepsis.

Webcasts are typically held the third Wednesday of each month between 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Recorded sessions are archived below.

Session topics and dates are subject to change. Email OHA’s Dorothy Frabott for webcast information and check out OHA’s events calendar for updated schedules.

OHA Contacts

Kelsey Brown

Kelsey Brown

Senior Director, Clinical and Member Programs

Dorothy Frabott

Dorothy Frabott

Manager, Administrative & Member Programs


January - OHA Pre-Hospital Sepsis Care: Recognition and Treatment Part One January - OHA Pre-Hospital Sepsis Care: Recognition and Treatment Part OneFebruary - OHA Pre-Hospital Sepsis Care: Recognition and Treatment Part 2February - OHA Pre-Hospital Sepsis Care: Recognition and Treatment Part 2March - Cultural Change for Sepsis Mortality ReductionMarch - Cultural Change for Sepsis Mortality ReductionApril - Synchronizing Care Between the Hospital and the Community to Reduce Sepsis MortalityApril - Synchronizing Care Between the Hospital and the Community to Reduce Sepsis MortalityMay - Strategies for Reducing Non-Present on Admission Sepsis Mortality May - Strategies for Reducing Non-Present on Admission Sepsis Mortality - Trinity Health SystemMay - Strategies for Reducing Non-Present on Admission Sepsis Mortality: Premier AtriumMay - Strategies for Reducing Non-Present on Admission Sepsis Mortality - OhioHealth Mainsfield July - The Impact of Patient and Family Engagement Upon Sepsis Care July - The Impact of Patient and Family Engagement Upon Sepsis CareAugust - CDI and Coding Issues Related to SepsisAugust - CDI and Coding Issues Related to SepsisSeptember - Care of the Pediatric Patient With Sepsis Presenting to An Adult Hospital Emergency DepartmentSeptember - Care of the Pediatric Patient With Sepsis Presenting to An Adult Hospital Emergency DepartmentOctober - Executive Sponsorship of Sepsis Initiatives October - Executive Sponsorship of Sepsis Initiatives - Premier Health, Uhl October - Executive Sponsorship of Sepsis Initiatives: ODH, Koenig November - Sepsis and InfluenzaNovember - Sepsis and Influenza: ODH, Koenig November - Sepsis and Influenza: Wright State University Burdette