Maternal & Infant Health

Maternal & Infant Health

The Ohio Hospital Association and our member hospitals and health systems are committed to providing optimal care for Ohio’s mothers, babies, and families.

For over a decade,  OHA has prioritized “Infant Mortality Reduction” as one of our key clinical initiatives. OHA has worked closely with our hospitals, statewide collaboratives, Ohio Department of Health and the Ohio Perinatal Quality Collaborative on initiatives around things like safe sleep, early elective deliveries, progesterone, safe spacing, and other clinical topics of interest.  OHA, in partnership with ODH, also maintains a statewide hospital designation program for hospitals around breastfeeding support and promotion, Ohio First Steps for Healthy Babies.

OHA in 2019 expanded the focus of our efforts to prioritize Maternal and Infant Health. In partnership with ODH, OHA led the process for Ohio to join the national Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health, or AIM, program, facilitated by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Statewide efforts so far have focused on patient safety bundles around severe maternal hypertension and obstetric hemorrhage. Future bundles will focus on substance use disorder in pregnancy and maternal sepsis.

OHA Contact

Ryan Everett

Ryan Everett

Director, Community and Public Health Programs

Maternal and Infant Health Initiatives

Maternal Health - Ohio AIM

Ohio has joined the ACOG Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health program, focusing on severe maternal hypertension and obstetric hemorrhage.

First Steps Breastfeeding

OHA co-leads, with the Ohio Department of Health, a hospital designation program for hospitals and health systems that support and promote breastfeeding.

Infant Safe Sleep

OHA’s initiative focused on adoption of safe sleep policies, training of staff on modeling safe sleep practices, and auditing of current practice.

39 Weeks - Early Elective Deliveries

Continuing to reduce the rate of Early Elective Deliveries is one of OHA’s priority areas of focus in an effort to reduce Ohio’s infant mortality rate.