Burn Surge Training
Statewide Burn Surge Training
Ohio Statewide Hospital Burn Surge Plan Training — Independent Study
Under an agreement with the Ohio Department of Health, OHA as a zone lead organization is developing curriculum and training health care stakeholders on specific statewide medical surge preparedness and response processes to have a uniform approach across multiple regions, zones or the state.
This first on-demand training provides a basic overview of the Ohio Statewide Hospital Burn Surge Plan.
Who Should Participate
Emergency medical resource contacts, chief nursing officers, chief medical officers, vice presidents of Medical Affairs and other hospital leaders involved in emergency planning and response
- To complete this independent study first view the pre-recorded presentation.
- Next, read the “Ohio Statewide Hospital Burn Surge Plan“
- During your review, please place an emphasis on understanding: definitions; terminology; purpose and scope; Ohio’s preparedness regions; local, state and regional response; and the activation algorithm.
- Complete the Post-Test.
- Check your responses with the Answer Key.
- For any areas that you responded incorrectly, review the content within the presentation.
*Please note this independent study will not be offered for continuing education credits.
Contact Kelsey Brown.
OHA Contacts
Ryan Everett
Director, Community and Public Health Programs
Kelsey Brown
Senior Director, Clinical and Member Programs
Dorothy Frabott
Manager, Administrative & Member Programs