The United Voice of Ohio Hospitals

Our experienced advocates give hospitals a powerful voice in the legislative and public policy arenas. We lead statewide legislative strategies and grassroots advocacy to safeguard the economic sustainability of Ohio hospitals while working to shape policies that lead to healthier outcomes for all Ohioans.

Infant Safe Sleep

Through their interactions with new parents and newborn caregivers, Ohio hospital staffers offer resources and guidance about safe sleep environments and provide necessary support focusing on the ABCs of infant safe sleep—always placing infants Alone, on their Backs in a Crib.


Within the first year of OHA’s program all Ohio maternity hospitals joined the program, assigning a safe sleep champion for their facility. OHA’s initiative focused on adoption of safe sleep policies, training of staff on modeling safe sleep practices, and auditing of current practice.


Safe Sleep Policy

Ohio hospitals participating in the program are committing to the development and creation of policies to align with statewide and national standards for promoting and practicing infant safe sleep. Below are materials and examples for hospitals to utilize.

Adopt and implement an internal safe sleep policy:

Audit the hospital’s implementation of the policy:

Consider participating in the HALO In-Hospital SleepSack Program to replace receiving blankets with wearable blankets.


Research and Education

Research shows that patients model behavior after health care providers, therefore it is imperative to ensure that all infant units follow AAP recommendations for safe sleep.

Article: Safe Infant Sleep Interventions: What is the Evidence for Successful Behavior Change? – Current Pediatric Review (2016)

Train staff and physicians on the recommended guidelines, internal safe sleep policy and the importance of modeling safe sleep in the hospital:


Partner Organizations

OHA’s Infant Safe Sleep program benefits greatly from partnerships with state and national organizations. Through our collaboration we are providing hospitals, patients and communities with valuable resources and tools to encourage infant safe sleep.


Best Practices and Referrals

For additional information on toolkits, templates, samples, etc. visit the resource section below.



OHA Contact

Ryan Everett

Ryan Everett

Director, Community and Public Health Programs