ODH Seeks Nominees for Complex Medical Help Program’s Medical Advisory Council

February 21, 2025

The Ohio Department of Health is seeking nominees skilled in the needs and services related to caring for children and youth with special health care needs for the agency’s Complex Medical Help Program, or CMH, Medical Advisory Council. The program was formerly known as Children With Medical Handicaps until a recent name change.

The CMH Program links children and youth with special health care needs to a network of qualified providers and helps their families obtain payment for needed services, including serving as the payer of last resort for eligible clients. More information about the CMH Program is available on ODH’s website.

The Medical Advisory Council meets at least annually (with additional meetings called as needed at the discretion of the chair) for an estimated four hours each meeting.

Medical and other relevant professionals who are interested in being considered for appointment to the CMH Program Medical Advisory Council should submit their CV and a short statement explaining their interest along with a brief synopsis of their relevant experience or any questions to BCMH@odh.ohio.gov by March 31.

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